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Clients’ responses



"Business has shot through the roof and legal problems resolved"

"Definite improvement in house energies following geomancy cures"

"My life is less cluttered, my vision is clearer"

"Incredible shift of energies – highly recommend having your home cleansed and balanced"

"I have been in relationship with my ‘ideal’ partner for more than a year now, and it all came about after I made the suggested adjustments in my home..."

"Since I began to practise Feng Shui, my life has changed dramatically. Significant health improvement, a career and a very rewarding lifestyle…"

"We have both received pay rises at work"

"Would not have been doing certain things like spiritual healing if it weren’t for Feng Shui"

"…we now really do consider our house as home"

"...complete career change"

"We are getting more visitors…our plants are growing extremely well"

"A new confidence in our abilities in attempting previously untried things…more proactive"

"I feel more connected to myself and I have spent more time creating a home"




Copyright 1998/2013

Feng Shui Conscious Environment

Site by: Glenrowan Studios Peter Gerasimon